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I have worked in welfare and it changed me from a bleeding heart liberal to a wiser conservative as I watched long term welfare destroy lives, faith and create hopelessness in those it meant to help. Workfare, by contrast, with job training can create self-worth and esteem, and long term changes for the better. I have been a pastor of two traditional churches, but now pastor a home church. I found it frustrating, dealing with the bureaucracy, religious spirits, and human traditions which absorb people's time and prevent them from the practical good of reaching out and actually helping people. When Christians are more concerned about the color of the carpet than reaching out to others, they have lost their vision and don't understand what the Church is supposed to be. That organization has become a social club and not the meeting place of The Church.

'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If th
United States
Web Designer


Role: web design & technical support